Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday update

Seems like forever ago that we got here! Things are going swimmingly--especially yesterday during the torrential downpour that was accompanied by lots of thunder and lightning, including a strike on the next hillside. Of course, this was during the riding part of the day and Cowboy, having had enough of travel and confinement, blew his stack and gave the class an impressive demonstration of his bucking skills. Fortunately, this was during the part where you do the "pre-flight checkup" to see if the horse is fit to ride. He wasn't. Eventually, after a lot of work, I was able to ride him. Dexter was also a bit "up" but didn't put on quite as much of a show as Cowboy did, and Laura did get to ride him a little more.

Today went much better and I got to play with him on the ground and also do a lot of riding. The instruction is wonderful, both in the classroom and in the riding areas. Their philosophy is that they can't teach us anything but they can provide an environment in which we can learn. And it seems to work.

It does seem a little like boot camp, though. They do feed the horses, but we clean our own pens and do any other care for the horses. This includes filling their 5-gallon water buckets which doesn't sound so bad except that this is Colorado in the mountains, and the horse pens go up the side of a hill, and the water source is at the bottom of the hill. So Jack and Jill here have been going DOWN the hill to fetch the pail of water and then get to lug it back up the hill. The altitude is about 7000 feet so oxygen is in short supply. Our riding gear is kept in a community tack room close to the horses, but the trailer where everything else is located is parked up a different hill a ways away. So our fitness level should be dramatically improved by the end of the week. The fitness program may be compromised by the fact that they feed us 3 square meals a day and snacks are available the rest of the day. And don't forget that beer that Ken sent with us that is waiting for us at the hotel at the end of the day.

Still no power cord (we're at the ranch during Radio Shack hours) so probably no pics on this site until we get back.

More to follow.

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