Monday, January 11, 2010

Think Blue

Today things are going well. Work went well, I got an inquiry about my Crates saddle that is for sale, my laptop is repaired with minimal cost, and I got home in time to go for a walk. On the way back, I picked up my mail and was happy to see that my Amazon gift certificates had arrived so I can order those equine fitness books. There was also a package in the mailbox that I thought was the book I had already ordered. On further examination, though, it turned out to be.....

Wait for it.....


Looks like it shipped on the 7th, 3 days after I posted my rant about not getting it. Who says is doesn't pay to complain? I may have more followers than I know about, some of them at Parelli-Land. Now that I know that they do exist and it's possible to obtain one, I can start working more diligently toward the Level 3 Green String!

I think I just heard a big sigh coming from the general direction of Pagosa Springs.

No time to work with the horses, they just got out to graze. I wanted to get a picture of Cowboy and the string, and maybe some of the boys trying to escape at the end of grazing time, so I took my camera out with me. I had a freshly charged backup battery, but because the weather is so gray and damp, the camera thought it needed flash, and after 3 pictures, both batteries claimed exhaustion. The camera is old and tired, and has never been very satisfactory anyway, so another thing to add to the list!

But I did get this pic of Cowboy and the string.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Check out my YouTube channel for great Pagosa Springs videos.
