Today things are going well. Work went well, I got an inquiry about my Crates saddle that is for sale, my laptop is repaired with minimal cost, and I got home in time to go for a walk. On the way back, I picked up my mail and was happy to see that my Amazon gift certificates had arrived so I can order those equine fitness books. There was also a package in the mailbox that I thought was the book I had already ordered. On further examination, though, it turned out to be.....
Wait for it.....
Looks like it shipped on the 7th, 3 days after I posted my rant about not getting it. Who says is doesn't pay to complain? I may have more followers than I know about, some of them at Parelli-Land. Now that I know that they do exist and it's possible to obtain one, I can start working more diligently toward the Level 3 Green String!
I think I just heard a big sigh coming from the general direction of Pagosa Springs.
No time to work with the horses, they just got out to graze. I wanted to get a picture of Cowboy and the string, and maybe some of the boys trying to escape at the end of grazing time, so I took my camera out with me. I had a freshly charged backup battery, but because the weather is so gray and damp, the camera thought it needed flash, and after 3 pictures, both batteries claimed exhaustion. The camera is old and tired, and has never been very satisfactory anyway, so another thing to add to the list!
Thanks for sharing. Check out my YouTube channel for great Pagosa Springs videos.